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We are the Ocean People

The labour force in Vestland is highly skilled, well educated and motivated. Drawing from its immense knowledge base, the region continually produces experts and specialists in several ocean based industries. 

The region is an important hub in a wide range of value chains, such as oil and gas, seafood and aquaculture, renewable energy and circular industry projects. Several of these industries also have strong ties to local and regional scientific research communities. 

Of those employed in the area, almost 50% hold a degree from a university or college. Like the rest of Norway, the region has experienced a steady growth in employees with higher education since the 1980s. The universities and colleges in the region educate an increasing number of people, and the demand for skilled, highly educated labour is growing. All this suggests that the proportion of employed people with higher education will also grow in the years to come.

The Norwegian aquaculture industry, particularly for salmon, is one of the most tech-driven and digitalised globally. It is well-operated and offers intricate data sets relating to fish genetics, marine bio-conditions, fish mortality, disease, and medication. Photo: NCE Seafood Innovation.

Future skills and knowledge

The labour market in the region will evolve in accordance with changes and shifts in technology, institutions and other socio-economic trends. The demand for and supply of people with certain skills will also change over time.

If recent developments in the labour market are any indictor, growth is expected in academic professions such as ICT consulting, medicine and life sciences, as well as in non-academic professions such as nursing and construction. Furthermore, a reduction in office occupations, among others, can be expected due to automation. It is also expected that the demand for employees with generally high competence and skills in ICT will increase over the coming years.

Although this will likely affect the region’s labour market, Vestland is well positioned to provide adequate manpower with its many educational institutions and highly developed, knowledge-producing industries.

Key industries in Vestland